- For non-authorized users, the rate limits are IP-based.
Method/Area |
Rate limit |
| 20 RPM |
Fee | 2 RPS |
Market items | 2 RPS |
Other methods (cumulative) | 6 RPS |
- For authorized users, the rate limits are account-based.
Method/Area |
Rate limit |
| 20 RPM |
Fee | 110 RPS |
Last sales | 6 RPS |
Market items | 10 RPS |
Other methods (cumulative) | 20 RPS |
- Each request will contain the headers with the remaining rate limits indicated:
X-RateLimit-Limit-Second | 6 |
X-RateLimit-Remaining-Second | 5 |
RateLimit-Remaining | 5 |
RateLimit-Limit | 6 |
RateLimit-Reset | 1 |