You can sell an item instantly if the item has an instant sale price (see Fig.1). The instant sale price appears when someone has created a Target to buy your item. If there is no instant sale price for your item, there are no Targets created for your item at the moment.
To sell an item instantly, please proceed with the following steps:
- Go to the 'Sell inventory' tab and select the item or items you’d like to sell instantly (see Fig.2).
- Click the “Sell now” button (see Fig.3).
If an item is located in your Steam inventory, you have to deposit it to DMarket before selling. To deposit an item, click the “Accept trades on Steam” button (see Fig.4) and confirm the trade on Steam within 10 minutes. After the trade is completed, your item will be deposited to DMarket and sold instantly.
Important: beware of scambots. Always check the registration date of the bot while depositing an item.
If an item is already deposited to DMarket, the sale will be processed without creating a trade.
- After an item is sold, you can close the pop-up (see Fig.5) and continue trading.
Possible problems with instant sale
I’ve tried to sell my Steam-stored item via Instant Sale. The item is gone now but my DMarket balance has not been updated.
Please check the My Items section of your DMarket account. There is a chance that your item has been successfully deposited to your DMarket inventory but its instant sale has not been completed. This may be due to a change in the item’s instant sale price. If so, you can select the same item in your DMarket inventory and proceed with the “Sell now” option again.